Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spring Flowers

I was playing around with my camera and I thought I'd share them. My poor plants have seen it all this spring. We have been going through a drought, so they haven't got nearly enough water. At times I think I'm back in Lubbock because the wind seems to blow nonstop. We even had a pretty bad hail storm (that was pretty rough on my car, but that's another story). On top of that, our neighbors pet deer seem to like us better and have started living at our house (that's another story too.) I usually have a whole bed of larkspurs blooming, but between Peanut the deer and the bunny rabbits, I have none. Peanut also ate my Hibiscus, which I was not happy about. Luckily I still have a few plants that are thriving despite the mother nature and the wild life....

Esperanza's (Tecoma stans) do very well in our area.

It gets really hot in the summers on my front porch so I've resulted to collecting cactus and succulants.
The hail storm also did a number on my garden, but everything survived. I have it fenced off so that Peanut and the bunnies can only lick their lips and drool over my fresh veggies. We got to eat our first batch of lettuce this weekend. The funny thing about me is that I'm not much of a veggie lover, but I love to grow them. I'm growing tomatoes, lettuce, green beans, peas, cucumbers, peppers, bell peppers, and squash. Here's a pic of my little bed of lettuce. It's the first time I've grown it, and I have to say it was pretty good.

Visit A Southern Daydreamer for more Outdoor Wednesday posts...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Fun Weekend...

We took off Friday and headed north to stay in Arlington with my cousin, and Saturday we joined up with a ton of crazy Parrot Heads to tailgate before going to the Jimmy Buffet concert at Pizza Hut Park in Frisco. If you've never been to or seen the tailgating of Buffet fans, its a riot. This was our fourth year to go, and we decided to dress the part this year.... So I here we are sporting our beautiful bikini clad bods, errr tshirts....
Had to get a shot of our cute rear view....

We weren't the only crazies out there. Here are a few others. I think I'll leave out R rated ones...
I think this poor fellow stayed way way too long in Margaritaville....
One group handed us these cute little little "Cheeseburgers in Paradise." They were Nilla wafers for the buns, a mint for the patty, icing for the cheese, and green coconut for the lettuce.
These people just partied on their boat all day, which was docked in the parking lot of the soccer stadium...
Okay so I promised no R rated pics, but this guy was too funny not to post. As we were walking by, we complimented him on his parrot bikini. Men in bikini tops, coconuts, grass skirts are not uncommon at Buffet concerts. So as we were giving him a thumbs up, he decided to flash us!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What if....

You've heard, "If these walls could talk." I LOVE of old battered quilts, and I always think what if these quilts could talk. Just imagine. The amount of time it took for them to be hand stitched, and then the amount of use it took to become this thread bare and torn is just amazing. Think of all the stories that they've heard and the history they've experienced.
This weekend I found one at a market days in Bandera, Tx. I took it up to a little old lady that was selling it to ask the price. She told me that she wasn't good at pricing so just tell her what it was worth to me. It caught me off guard, because quilts are priceless to me. So I named my price, and she immediately asked, "Why?" This stumped me too, so I explained that I use the tattered quilts to make Teddy Bears and that's all I could offer. I thought I'd upset her, but she was tickled with my plans, and went on to tell me she was a quilter and would be happy to sell it to me.
So hopefully I'm doing my part to help these time pieces live on. I only use quilts that are too worn or stained to be used anymore. Here are a couple that I have finished. The sweet purple and pink quilt had inks stains in several places and tears in others. The white one is from an old chenille bedspread.

Check out other cool posts at ReInvented's Trash to Treasure Party.