I've had some construction going on at my house and they are finally finished. I had a porch added and a small laundry room built. Being the do-it-herself-er that I am, I told the contracter that I would paint the porch and finish the inside of the washroom. After working in the heat a little bit yesterday, I questioned my decision a little. Taking a break from filling in all nail holes, I watched this two little ones. They were having quite a discussion. They are mud swallows. They eat mosquitos, so we always welcome them with open arms.
So here is an inside shot of the little room that is very unfinished.
My first experiment was to paint the tar paper that is showing on the inside. I was afraid it would bleed through it.
But so far so good. I only got a small section done before I thought I was going to melt, so stay tuned to see how I finish the room.
Jen over at Sanctuary Arts is hosting a makeover party. I didn't get to do the project I wanted so I thought I'd share my mailbox. I cut this out with my cricut and the Sure Cuts A Lot program. It sure brightened up her plain mailbox. Be sure to go visit Jen's blog, she does beautiful work.