Well I started working on the bench I found last weekend. I was going to try and recover it, but found that someone had glued everything together. So I tried dyeing the velvet. I put some fabric dye and water in to a spray bottle and went to town. I'm pretty happy with it so far, at least now it won't clash with the room where I want to put it.

Now I need your opinion. I started drybrushing the metal pieces. Do you like this finish? Or do you think it needs a solid coat of paint?

I didn't get my cloche finished to my liking, but check out
Marty's Awesome Cloche Party for some real beauties....
Man I LOOOOOOOOVE this bench
I like it the way it is turning out. I guess it depends how it looks in the room.
Where are you getting fabric dye?
Hi Steph!
I like the dry brushed look so far... wow... Can't wait to see how it comes out! Great project!
Have a great week end!
~Really Rainey~
I love the bench the way it is!
That bench looks great! I love the dry brush look.
I think the bench turned out great!
Ooooh, me likey! Wonderful job!
I love the dry brushing!
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